The Relationship That Won’t Die

We all engage in wishful thinking, to some degree. Even when the evidence points to the answer being no, we find some sliver of hope that it can become a yes. Nowhere is this more evident than in dating. In this Love U Podcast, I share a story about my tortured “When Harry Met Sally” relationship that took up nearly two decades, and give you the courage to cut loose men who, despite your feelings, don’t make for healthy long-term partners.

5 Signs He’s Not That Serious About You

Online dating apps have done two things:

1. Given men and women infinite options at their fingertips.

2. Tortured those same men and women since so few of those options pan out.

In this Love U Podcast episode, I break down the five most prominent ways you can tell that your relationship isn’t going anywhere. Starting from the first date and going chronologically through the relationship, I outline the red flags that should cause you to cut bait and find a more enthusiastic man.

Don’t Believe Anything That Happens on a Date

You know the feeling. You go on a great date or two. You catch feelings. You start to think about a future. You sleep with him. And then, a few weeks later, you discover that he is NOT the man you thought he was. It may be maddening but since it’s common, we need to talk about it. In this episode, I’ll share how dating is a show and why you don’t want to commit to a man until you’ve spent some time backstage.

Why I’m Changing the Way I Do Everything

I’m returning to my roots from 20 years ago, when it was all about people and relationships and tangible breakthroughs that lead to lasting love. In this short video, I’ll share what that means for me and why it’s great for you.

If you’re in pain and want coaching over the summer, I will be taking clients on a very limited basis. You can apply through my website:

The Importance of Attraction

Although dating coaches tend to emphasize compatibility over attraction, make no mistake: attraction is important. Good sex is important. And figuring out the blend between passion and comfort is the most important. In this episode, I walk you through the formula from Love U that has helped thousands of women find satisfying relationships – both physically and emotionally. No settling involved.

How to Apologize (Even When You’re Not Wrong)

Even good relationships involve conflict and compromise. You know what it’s like to be with a guy who isn’t a fair fighter. He raises his voice. He shuts down. He hurls insults. He brings up other arguments. He doubles down and escalates the conflict even when he’s mistaken. You don’t want to be that guy. In this Love U Podcast, I share a communication technique that I learned twenty years ago that I still use today. This one is a relationship-saver.

Do You Assume the Worst in Men?

When you’ve been hurt and disappointed, it’s easy to assume that the next guy is going to do the same. The problem is that not all men are bad. And if you’re dating a nice, commitment-oriented guy and treat him like a composite of all the jerks you’ve dated in the past, you’re never going to get a nice guy. In this podcast, I tell a powerful story about a client who came from an abusive background and is actively overcoming her trust issues in Love U.

What to Do When He Asks Why You’re Single

You may find it annoying or triggering but it’s common for men to ask you why you’re still single. Instead of shutting down or overexplaining, it’s important to be able to answer this question with poise and confidence. If your reflexive answer to why you’re still single is “I just haven’t met the right guy,” you REALLY ought to listen to this. My advice will likely surprise you.

Why Married Men Are a Hell No!

I know it should seem obvious but the fact that I recorded a podcast about it means that plenty of women still find married men alluring. In this episode, we’ll talk about why married men are often more romantic than single men AND 4 reasons why it absolutely doesn’t matter and you should run far, far away from any married guy who shows interest in you.

How to Balance an Anxious/Avoidant Attachment Style

If you didn’t have a healthy nuclear family with loving married parents, its likely that you formed an attachment style that is either anxious or avoidant. But what happens when your anxiety turns into avoidance, and your avoidance turns into anxiety? This is something I see with women in Love U and a phenomenon that I felt was worth airing in today’s episode. Your past doesn’t have to predict your future; it just takes strength to make different choices with men.